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Find Out What The
YouTube Algorithm Wants

Find Out What The
YouTube Algorithm Wants

Save hours of time, get actionable feedback, and increase your chance of creating viral videos.

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Viral Dashboard

Viral Dashboard

Helps YouTubers make intelligent decisions. Find the least saturated markets and the videos with the highest potential. Built by YouTubers for YouTubers.

Helps YouTubers make intelligent decisions. Find the least saturated markets and the videos with the highest potential. Built by YouTubers for YouTubers.

Viral Dashboard image

Topic Research

Topic Research

Topic Research

Topic Research

Topic Research

Receive customized feedback for your videos instantly, and reduce research time significantly. Understand why topics or niches has potential or is likely to flop.

Intelligent Metrics

We have all the metrics needed to analyze YouTube for both beginners and pros.

Easy Feedback

Easy Feedback

We break down the data for you, reducing complexity and making it easy to understand.

Topic Research

Topic Research

Topic Research

Save Hours With Intelligent Metrics

Save Hours With Intelligent Metrics

One Search To Rule Them All, One Search To Find Them…

Our metrics shows inflow of new viewers, the momentum of a market, expected views, competition, how similar and saturated the content are, breaks down video length distribution, and more, with just one search.

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Viral Dashboard image

Topic Research

Topic Research

Topic Research

Understand What Confusing Metrics Actually Mean

Understand What Confusing Metrics Actually Mean

Not All Those Who Analyze Are Lost…

We know how confusing YouTube metrics can be. We break it down very simple to make the data analysis easy to understand even for beginners.

Content Clusters

Content Clusters

Content Clusters

Content Clusters

Content Clusters

Organize videos and niches into content clusters to see trends and historical data. Understand niches and videos on the next level, and make better decisions.

Incredibly Flexible

We know the importance of autonomy in market analysis. You are in the drivers seat.

New Way To Analyze

New Way To Analyze

Save hours of work by automatically seeing what matters in the dashboard.

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Viral Dashboard image

Content Clusters

Content Clusters

Content Clusters

Be In The Driver's Seat

Analyze Your Videos Precisely As You Mean To…

Choose your list of videos and analyze them. Compare content clusters with other clusters to compare niches or topics.

Content Clusters

Content Clusters

Content Clusters

Analyze Harder, Smarter, Faster and Stronger

Analyze Harder, Smarter, Faster and Stronger

Even In The Most Chaotic Data, Patterns Emerge…

Look at content clusters over time and with bubblemaps. Visualize content like never before.

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Viral Dashboard image






Reduce research time with several hours by instantly accessing the most viral videos and the hottest trends.

Find Viral Videos

Find Viral Videos

Find out what works. Create videos based on proven video formats, and grow your views.

Powerful Filters

Toggle shorts and filter by outlier ratio, views, subscribers, date and more.




Instantly Find The Videos That Work

Instantly Find The Videos That Work

You Have The Eyes Of A Hawk And The Ears Of A Fox…

Scroll through viral videos and trends for the best video, title and thumbnail inspiration. Browse using different filters, tags and direct search.

Viral Dashboard image
Viral Dashboard image




Use Smart Filters

See What You Need, Precisely When You Need It…

Use filters to find what you are looking for. Toggle "on" and "off" shorts and filter by outlier ratio, views, subscribers, date and more.




Competitor Tracking

Competitor Tracking

See what happens among competitors. Get competitor suggestions based on your content clusters.

Smart Tracking

Automatically receive intelligent suggestions. Find the channels you need to know about.

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Viral Dashboard image

Video Breakdown

Video Breakdown

Video Breakdown

Video Recipe Analysis

Video Recipe Analysis

Break down videos and see their blueprints. Compare different videos to see where your edge can be. Find out how to be unique.

See What Separates A Video

Quickly gather data on videos in the market and see how to create a unique video.

Competitive Advantages

Competitive Advantages

See what makes videos successful, and why they stand out.

Video Breakdown

Video Breakdown

Video Breakdown

Find Competitive Advantages

With That Power I Should Have Power Too Great And Terrible...

Understand why videos succeed. See what viewers in markets are interested in. Gather valuable information on how to improve your videos.

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Viral Dashboard image

Comment Analysis

Comment Analysis

Comment Analysis

Comment Analysis

Comment Analysis

Understand what viewers feel like when watching a video. See aggregated information and learn how to improve on previous videos in the market.

Powerful Feedback

Powerful Feedback

See what viewers liked, disliked and wants more of. Easily know what to prioritize.

Creative Suggestions

Get suggestions for new videos based on viewer feedback.

Comment Analysis

Comment Analysis

Comment Analysis

Uncover What The Viewers Want

One Comment Analysis To Bring Them All...

Based on video comments, see what viewers what more of. Get ideas for what you should prioritize next. See the signal in the noise.

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Viral Dashboard image

Comment Analysis

Comment Analysis

Comment Analysis

See What Can Be Improved

The Old Video Will Burn In The Fires Of Industry...

Based on video comments, see what viewers what more of. Get ideas for what you should prioritize next. See the signal in the noise.




What Our Customers Say

What Our Customers Say

What Our Customers Say

Trusted by YouTubers Who Value Intelligent Software.

Trusted by YouTubers Who Value Intelligent Software.

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"It can make or break a channel to choose the wrong market, but with Viral Dashboard, I was able to estimate accurately the size of my channel's market in a few days where it should have taken me weeks in the past."

"It can make or break a channel to choose the wrong market, but with Viral Dashboard, I was able to estimate accurately the size of my channel's market in a few days where it should have taken me weeks in the past."

"It can make or break a channel to choose the wrong market, but with Viral Dashboard, I was able to estimate accurately the size of my channel's market in a few days where it should have taken me weeks in the past."

"I'm pleased to work with Viral Dashboard. You are able to validate your idea within seconds or to come up with something else related to this specific topic. Highly recommended because you have it all within a couple of clicks!"

User testimonial image

Footy Heaven

"I'm pleased to work with Viral Dashboard. You are able to validate your idea within seconds or to come up with something else related to this specific topic. Highly recommended because you have it all within a couple of clicks!"

User testimonial image

Footy Heaven

"I'm pleased to work with Viral Dashboard. You are able to validate your idea within seconds or to come up with something else related to this specific topic. Highly recommended because you have it all within a couple of clicks!"

User testimonial image

Footy Heaven

"I love Viral Dashboard! It saves me hours of research and makes my life 10 times easier. I recently surpassed the 1.5Million views mark, and I certainly couldn’t have done it without Viral Dashboard."

User testimonial image

Derrick Serna

"I love Viral Dashboard! It saves me hours of research and makes my life 10 times easier. I recently surpassed the 1.5Million views mark, and I certainly couldn’t have done it without Viral Dashboard."

User testimonial image

Derrick Serna

"I love Viral Dashboard! It saves me hours of research and makes my life 10 times easier. I recently surpassed the 1.5Million views mark, and I certainly couldn’t have done it without Viral Dashboard."

User testimonial image

Derrick Serna

"The software tool I wish I had when I created YouTube videos actively. It’s the best market analysis tool on the market, and you can save hours of time. Take it with a grain of salt though, I might be biased."

User testimonial image

Lore Of The Rings

"The software tool I wish I had when I created YouTube videos actively. It’s the best market analysis tool on the market, and you can save hours of time. Take it with a grain of salt though, I might be biased."

User testimonial image

Lore Of The Rings

"The software tool I wish I had when I created YouTube videos actively. It’s the best market analysis tool on the market, and you can save hours of time. Take it with a grain of salt though, I might be biased."

User testimonial image

Lore Of The Rings




Free Trial

2 Week Free Trial

Access to Topic Research, Content Clusters, Outliers, Competitors, Video Recipe Breakdown and Comment Analyzer

Access to Chrome Extension

Support from Mittalmar’s team


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Free of charge.


Standard Features

Access to Topic Research, Content Clusters, Outliers, Competitors, Video Recipe Breakdown and Comment Analyzer

Access to Chrome Extension

Support from Mittalmar’s team


/per month

Billed monthly. Cancel anytime.



Free Trial

2 Week Free Trial

Access to Topic Research, Content Clusters, Outliers, Competitors, Video Recipe Breakdown and Comment Analyzer

Access to Chrome Extension

Support from Mittalmar’s team


/per month

Free of charge.


Standard Features

Access to Topic Research, Content Clusters, Outliers, Competitors, Video Recipe Breakdown and Comment Analyzer

Access to Chrome Extension

Support from Mittalmar’s team


/per month

Billed monthly. Cancel anytime.



Free Trial

2 Week Free Trial

Access to Topic Research, Content Clusters, Outliers, Competitors, Video Recipe Breakdown and Comment Analyzer

Access to Chrome Extension

Support from Mittalmar’s team


/per month

Free of charge.


Standard Features

Access to Topic Research, Content Clusters, Outliers, Competitors, Video Recipe Breakdown and Comment Analyzer

Access to Chrome Extension

Support from Mittalmar’s team


/per month

Billed monthly. Cancel anytime.

Make creation easier and faster

Save hours of time, get actionable feedback, and increase your chance of creating viral videos now!

Save hours of time, get actionable feedback, and increase your chance of creating viral videos now!

Screenshot of the main dashboard front center with gradients


What is Viral Dashboard?

Who Is Viral Dashboard for?

Does Viral Dashboard include shorts?

What is Viral Dashboard?

Who Is Viral Dashboard for?

Does Viral Dashboard include shorts?

What is Viral Dashboard?

Who Is Viral Dashboard for?

Does Viral Dashboard include shorts?